Create a New Family Account
The first step in registering is to create a family account. Please read these instructions before proceeding:
- Enter contact information for at least one parent.
- Let us know how you heard about the program.
- For each enrolling student, click Add Student and provide the necessary biographical and medical information.
- All of the questions in the red tabs require a response.
- Click Save after each student's information has been entered.
- Click Add Contact and enter information for each individual ("Emergency Contact") whom you authorize to pick up and/or make medical decisions for your child in the event we cannot reach you.
- Provide a username and password for the account.
- Check the boxes signifying agreement with the PCDS Summer Programs policies and providing authorization for the emergency contacts you have provided.
- Click Review to confirm the information you've entered.
Once this form is completed and your account is created, you will be able to register students for classes.
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First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
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Email Address:
Home Phone Number:
Cell Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
How did you hear about the PCDS Summer Programs?
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I understand that unless I request otherwise, the School reserves the right to use student names and/or images in PCDS publications and other media. Please contact if you would like to restrict the use of your child's name or image in any way.
Confirm Password
The parents/guardians and the student(s) agree to abide by and uphold all policies, rules, regulations, and decisions adopted by the School as set forth currently and such other policies, rules, and regulations as may be promulgated hereafter by the School. Disregard of the rules and regulations of the School or disruption of the School community may be deemed sufficient cause for dismissal from the Summer Programs.
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